We have a Production facilities in 4 existing Manufacturing Plants, all in Turkey. Total plant area 95,000 sqm. Team of over 650 people dedicated to our industry.
- Models- Mould Production
- Mould Preparation and Painting
- Hand Lay Up
- Spray Up
- Vacuum Infusion
- RTM (Resin transfer molding)
- Sanding – Painting – Ovendry
- Steel Production
- Test
- Packing and Shipment
All Processes have been done with care and experience of our team; we have a great knowledge and history in Composite Industry over 38 years. Our markets are quite wide; we can produce from composite and fiber glass nearly everything, you can check our Composite Production(Buraya Basılınca Business Basis / Composite Production Sayfasına yönlendirilsin lutfen) page for more details, Our main Markets are as below;